Monday, April 27, 2015

Alt rock

Remember these guys?  Well, technically it's always been Ryan Dahle, but he's back with a new album!  It's only been 15 years since the last one!!  I randomly stumbled across a review for it while casually looking for something completely different at some blog.  I was too lazy to drive to HMV to buy a copy, so I ordered a CD straight from the label.  I was hoping to at least get a sticker thrown in with my purchase, but there was nothing!  Damn, I remember in the old days you'd get free stickers when you ordered stuff from labels.  Once I ordered from Mint Records and got stickers, patches and a free sunglasses!  Gimme all the free stuff!

I'll leave with the video for Tinfoil from the golden heyday of alt rock which makes me "almost" miss the 90's.

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