Sunday, February 3, 2013

Are you ready for some football?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes, it's Super Bowl time!  I specifically asked for this Sunday off so I could take in the big game between the Baltimore Stallions and the San Francisco Giants.  Cody and I got all stocked up on nachos and energy drinks earlier in the day.  The pre-show preview of the pre-game lead in is about to start, to the couch!

A plate full of nachos and cheese right before the big game?  I'm living the American dream.

Game on!

Cody is glued to the game.

And so am I!

So who won anyway?


Cody said...

What an exciting match-up!! When that white guy threw that ball to the black guy I nearly crapped my pants!

Keef said...

I know, I was sitting right next to you I could totally smell it.

Cam said...

As a sports superfan, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the Baltimore Orioles won. Glad you both enjoyed the game as much as I did.

My favorite part was when all those celebrities lip-synced their halftime performances - riveting!