Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Things I forgot.

Turns out I forgot a couple items off my last blog, so here you go.  Not that they are all the interesting or anything.  First up, I finally got with 2005 and played me some Doom 3.  I picked up the limited edition XBox version for $5 which comes in a metal case and has Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 on the disc as well as some "making of" stuff and extras.  I didn't play the entire game because I'm too lazy to put in the work, but that game is DARK.  You get a flashlight, but you can hold either the flashlight or a gun, but not both at the same time.  I guess you cheat a bit and crank up the brightness/contrast settings.  It does feel a bit dated, but maybe it would be better if I played it more.  I doubt I will.

The second and last thing I forgot was this CD I bought at Inner Sleeve.  I bought it, but not because I liked the music on it, but because it was a 3" CD.  Any small CD like that or weird shaped CD (I have a CD shaped like Darth Vader's head) won't play on a tray loading CD player.  So how do you listen to a 3" CD if you have a tray loading CD player?

You can just use the handy dandy CD adapter that comes with it!  How convenient!  The disc only has three songs on it, but why not just make it a full size 5" CD?  Then you wouldn't even need the adapter or have to worry about losing it or the CD popping out inside the CD player.  They were dumb back in 1989.  I will still hang on to it for novelty's sake.

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