Monday, July 12, 2010

CC's 2

Since Cam demanded Calculus Cutups be scanned, I have scanned the next installment.  I also updated the first one with a scanned copy.  Cam also wants brand new CC's (that what he calls them) and I've already got one planned out.  Although, it does have more dialogue than previous strips, so I'm not sure if I'll have room for all the word balloons.   I need those words because it is a dialogue driven story, but don't worry there is still blood.

click to embiggen

And yes, I know there a spelling error, but it's about 17 years too late to fix it.


mike said...


WiLL said...

Man! I totally forgot about CC's! I remember seeing this one...brings back the memories. I still have my "journal" from Writing 12...some scan-worthy gems in there I'm sure.

Cam said...

Awesome, I also remember this one.