Friday, February 12, 2010

Beards don't help Canada!

Cookies help Canada?? Tonight was the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver, but I'm sure you already knew that. I think the Olympics are still a "go" despite warm weather and a lack of snow in Vancouver. I saw on TV they were expecting a bunch of rain this weekend.

I'm sure you all are catching the Olympic fever and running around with your t-shirts, red mittens, and Exel gum, but don't forget your Pillsbury cookies. The cookies have chocolatey and maple leaf candy chips, are ready to cook and called "Bring on the Gold". If you know me, then you know I'm usually up for cookies, unless they have raisins in them.

I usually buy these ready to cook Pillsbury cookies once in a while and I don't know why I keep buying them because I always end up screwing them up. How can I possibly screw up cooking these? Here is a tip, don't play video games while you are waiting for your cookies. They are only supposed to be in the oven for about 10 minutes. I don't actually have a timer or anything, so I sort of lost track of time while I was playingBattlefied: Bad Company 2 multiplayer demo, so they ended up a little overcooked. I had to make two batches and while the first batch turned out okay, the second batch was a lot darker and could probably chip a tooth if you were careful. It wasn't all bad because I did kill three guys and a M-COMM station with a single RPG rocket.

The burned cookies are on the bottom.

Since the first batch of cookies turned out okay I ended up just eating those because I wanted to keep all my teeth. I was disappointed by the candy maple leaf candy chips because once they are cooked you can't even tell they are maples leafs at all. They are just red and white lumps in the cookies. What Pillsbury should've done is made ready to cook sugar cookies with a maple leaf on them. At Christmas they had Snowman ones and at Halloween they had pumkins ones, so why not a maple leaf cookie? Those would be awesome, but I guess it's too late now, way to drop the ball Pillsbury.

This is what I'm talking about except with a red maple leaf instead of a pumpkin.

Okay, so only half my cookies turned out, but I tried. I think next I'll do some Kraft Delisso pizza with the Team Canada hockey logo on it. I'll probably burn that too.


mike said...

your cookies seem to be working..
did you hear they had to get an oil burning calgary zamboni to replace the electric bc models?

Keef said...

Everything in Alberta runs on oil.