Thursday, October 30, 2008

Aooooh, scarrrry stuff kids!

From what I'm told tomorrow, or Friday, is Halloween! It was never a big deal before because living in the old basement suite we never had to worry about kids coming to our door. In our new place we obviously are going to have kids banging on the door begging for candy. There a few kids living in our complex, plus there is a school right across the street from us, so lots of kids in the area.

I hope we have enough candy to last, but it doesn't help that I've been into the Reese's already. We got a box of Oh Henry, Reese' PB Cups, and Reese's Pieces. Reese's Pieces are awesome, but if you go into a convenience store you rarely see them on the shelf with the other candy bars. I guess they don't get the props they deserve despite E.T.'s influence. Anyway, we also got some other little chocolate bars and some Cheetos. I don't like Cheetos, so those will be the first to go. I just grabbed a box of what I thought were chips at Zellers as the box had a Doritos logo on it, but waiting in line I discovered they were Cheetos and was too lazy to go back and switch it. Behind me in line was some old lady who was telling me she is giving out cheezies and raisins because she wanted to give out something healthy too. Yeah, like the kids are going to eat the raisins.

It also turns out that Cody had to work until 8pm leaving me the task of handing out the candy. That sucks. Stupid kids.

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