Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Moving target

It's been a week since last post and it's been a mix of laziness and moving. My eye is fine and I used it to go watch The Dark Knight at the IMAX. The movie was pretty good and yes , Heath Ledger was good as the Joker. Still the movie has been over hyped and Ledger won't be getting an Oscar for it. Nobody would be saying anything if he hadn't died, sorry dude.

Moving is going slowly, a little bit gets moved every day. This Saturday is when we completely move everything. At first I was packing certain things in certain boxes as to not mix stuff up, but now it's like "whatever" and just throw everything/anything in a box together. I think most of my stuff will stay boxed up in the basement leaving my shelves empty to be restocked. I'll take out certain CDs and DVDs, but the bulk can stay boxed up.

We are dumping Telus and switching to Shaw for our TV, internet, and phone. We still get our old phone number, but we have to wait a couple weeks until Telus releases it. Until then we have a temporary phone number, but I'm not sure what it is. Cody wrote it down somewhere. I'll also lose my old e-mail address, so after Friday I won't be able to get e-mails to that address. Use my Hotmail until I set something else up, I'll see what happens.

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